Saturday, January 20, 2007

love it when i'm wrong :)

years ago, at a time i reached a point of peace and satisfaction when it came to my thoughts and beliefs.
Ideas started to rise and shine in my head, and at that time I thought they'd never change, I was a strong stubborn believer, but over the years my thoughts started to change, and I used to hate it.
I used to hate that I was wrong, that I spent that much time to figure out what -I now think- is right, I used to hate that I had to replace what I strongly believed in with what I thought can never appeal to me . May be because I don't like change, I hate the feeling of regret, or I always like to be right :)
Recently (after a series of unfortunate events), I discovered how "right" it is, to find out that you were wrong, it's like being stuck In the shell that you built yourself, no matter how exposed you were to the world around you , you'll never work it out or understand, and you will never find an answer because the question is always WHY?, and the why thing -most of the time- is "why are things going on a different direction away from what I think they should?". And after a while though you built that shell yourself, you won't seem to find your way out.
It might be confusing, disappointing or frustrating, because we learn the hard way, but in some cases it provides you with answers, and new open doors.

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